Monday, May 25, 2009

Sock Wars Day 10....And I'm Still Alive!!!

This is a picture of a death. Not a normal death but a death in the world of Sock Wars. A exciting competition in which you must knit up socks for a target before the person that has you as a target knit up socks for you. The possible must then send the socks to the person and the post office could be the deciding factor in whether the socks get there before you get your socks. Oh by the way, you can't send them overnight (!%^#$**#!). My poor target received these beautiful socks recently in the mail after hours of hands cramping and certain words being said over and over again. After seeing the picture of the socks on with a note from the dead one saying she was unexpectedly dead, I yelled a few WOO HOO's and had to tell the world that I had a death under my belt. Now I must admit that I didn't expect to make it very far in the contest since I know there are some of those crazy knitters out there that don't sleep and drink excessive amounts of caffeine until the socks are done. But surprisingly enough, there are almost 60 people dead at this point and around 210 alive. You never know what could happen! So in the mean time I continue to fight, awaiting the day I can claim Sock Wars property of Madalice (my competition name)!! I am off to war.

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