Monday, August 30, 2010

Instant Gratification High

So it seems as if lately I can only focus on knitting hats, it's gotta be the instant gratification that is just too much fun to give up. In addition to knitting up some cute hats for my mom as she starts to lose her hair from the chemo, I have thrown in a few of my own along the way. The scary thing is that there are so... so many more just waiting to get knit up that I might be knitting them through next year! Woo Hoo!! But I do have to squeeze in a sock knit-a-long starting in just a couple days and a sweater that I stupidly said I would try to get before December. I must have been hopped up on sugar that day and wasn't thinking. Not to mention the couple fiber trips with friends, one of which called Oregon Flock and Fiber I can't wait for. This will be my first year and I have heard nothing but great things about it. Yes, my exciting yarn filled life. I contemplate this as I sit here at 2:30 am, having just finished another hat. Yes, I am considering right this second starting another hat. Yes, I am slightly nuts. But yes, being slightly off your rocker makes life just that much more interesting! And thus I leave you with a few pics of hats I have finished in the past couple weeks. Nighty night!

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