Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Knots of Bread

The past few days have been consumed with bread. I actually have been having to go into school at 6 am everyday because of the extended amount of time that it takes to get the yeast rising. You just can't throw together these little knots! These were a day long process! But I am starting to find that I enjoy making bread quite a bit. The textures along with the ability to get very creative with the doughs (oh....and getting your hands very dirty!!) make me excited each morning to get the breads on their way. Now, not every bread turns out perfect (like my chibatta bread, I have barely tasted one let alone made it!) but these were awesome and very fun to make. Tomorrow....more bread including more baguettes and baking my leaf and ladder shaped breads that I can't wait to get a picture of.

Today was topped off by getting some great news, if you saw one of the previous posts we were waiting for the phone call to see if Lucy (our Lab) had cancer. Great news!!! It was a benign tumor. Thank goodness. All is right in the world for today (well, everything except my chibatta bread).

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