We went to the coast recently and decided it was time to teach Lucy how to swim. At first she decided to taste the salt water (like you see in the photo) while Max (my husband) took her for a walk, and quickly decided that wasn't the best taste in the world. And soon thereafter she was running down the beach and attacking the waves. Every once in awhile she would be walking and suddenly take a step in a large tide pool and the shock on her face when she got herself out was priceless. The weather was perfect all weekend, 60-65 degrees and sunny. It's weeks like this that make me want to dig up everything and plant roots in Newport or even Depot Bay. It's just too beautiful to not want to be there everyday. Just thinking about starting a little knit shop in Depot Bay right on the boardwalk as you look out to see the never ending parade of humpback whales go by gives me goosebumps. Some day that will happen, some day.